
senior manager的意思

senior manager

  • 网络高级经理;资深经理;高级管理人员


  • 1.It has nothing to do with how nice it is to be a postman in absolute terms but how nice it is relative to being a senior manager.


  • 2.As one of his senior manager adds afterwards: "Nobody wanted to tackle him - as he came near us it was like the parting of the Red Sea. "


  • 3.If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager.


  • 4.An MBA, completed in 1997, "opened my eyes to how much I didn't know as a reasonably senior manager, " says Mr Ashurst.


  • 5.Not long after that, I was summoned to a meeting on an upper floor of the building with a senior manager at Deutsche Bank.


  • 6.During five full days, not one of these senior manager dared to say: why are we doing this?


  • 7.Previously, he had been the senior manager of the office of CEO under Tom LaSorda and before Cerberus ' involvement in Chrysler.


  • 8.You might be working under the supervision of a hard senior manager, which will see you chafing at the bit and enduring possible conflict.


  • 9.When he awarded the grand prize to the British pub chain JD Wetherspoon PLC, senior manager Mark Fletcher hoisted the golden toilet seat.


  • 10.Currently, Mr. Wang is a Senior Constant & Trainer in Chance Consulting, and a Senior Manager of a famous DotCom company.



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